Wednesday, August 23, 2017

26 Things in my 26th Year

1.      It’s okay to say “no” to things, but don’t be selfish with your time. 

2.      You’re not right nearly as often as you think you are. 

3.      People matter more.

4.      Be generous with your “yeses”.

5.      Some people are only in your life for a season and that’s ok. (This was probably the most difficult one for me this year…I lost people that I thought would be in my life forever, but you know what?  My life is better because of it.  Some relationships are toxic and it’s totally okay to let go.)

6.      Give God the first fruits of everything.  Your time, your love, your money-everything.

7.      Sometimes (read “often”) God says no and you need to be okay with that; trusting that He knows what’s best. Because…..see the next point.

8.      God knows what’s best. Always. You can trust Him.

9.      Go the extra mile for those that wouldn’t do the same for you. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Every.  Time.

10.   Make purity a priority or you’ll begin to compromise in ways that you never thought you would.

11.   Be intentional.

12.   God doesn’t change, but you do.  Make sure you’re changing for the better.

13.   Seek peace and pursue it.

14.   You need people.  People that are older than you, pouring into and challenging you. People that are younger than you that you can invest in.  All kinds of people.

15.   You really can eat cake whenever you want and that’s pretty cool.

16.   What you say matters.  Words are powerful; use those powers for good.

17.   Be holy.  It’s an active, daily choice.

18.   Give back.  So many people have poured into me over the years, but it’s my turn to pour into others.

19.   Sabbath rest is a real thing and you desperately need to make time for it.

20.   Don’t pass up opportunities just because you don’t know how they’re going to turn out.  Regret feels worse than failure.

21.   Get over yourself.  For real.

22.   Don’t compromise your standards simply because people to do not meet your expectations.  Constantly lowering the bar is what’s led to the society before us today.

23.   You can’t control everything, but you can control your response/reaction to everything.

24.   Choose your words wisely.  If what you have to say isn’t fruitful then it’s probably not worth saying.

25.   One of the best things you can do in hard, difficult situations and circumstances is ask “how can this be redemptive?” and respond accordingly.

26.   Choose joy.

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