Friday, January 26, 2018

Pro-people in a Pro-choice World

With an emphasis on the sanctity of life throughout the month of January, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the “my body, my choice” mentality in our culture today.  

  All throughout Scripture children are described as a blessing and a gift from the Lord.  But as we are well aware, our culture considers children an inconvenience and all too often as “optional”. 

 I think it’s pretty clear as to where the Church stands on these matters in theory, but what about in practicality? Of course we don’t want that baby to be murdered, but is the Church a refuge for scared, single mothers that have made the choice to keep their unplanned, fatherless child? Or do they feel the weight of judgmental glances and whispered remarks? 

 Sanctity of life goes beyond unborn babies, it extends to those we encounter that have made poor choices, are in poverty, and even those that are just flat out different than us.

In 1 John, John not only speaks of the great love of the Father, but calls us as children of God to mirror that love one to another.  This love he speaks of is a visible, tangible love; not mere words and concepts. 
 “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”
1 John 3:18 
May our actions match our stance on life. May our love go beyond our words. May we be “pro-people” and not just pro-life.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Let's Talk About Sex

Let’s be honest here.  The title peeked your curiosity, but we need to make this stuff clear, y’all.  We all know by now that the Bible teaches that sex is a good thing within the right context. That it is a unitive act that is intended to bring together (unite) husband and wife in closeness.  

We also know that the Bible commands us to actively practice and pursue purity. In fact, Jesus said when put in lustful situations, we are to remove and throw away whatever causes us to sin (see Matthew 5:27-28).  

But here’s the real point I want to make.  Sexual purity is not just about the physical acts, but about what happens in your heart.  Purity isn’t just about how you behave and react-it begins in your soul.  

Why is sex and sexual sin such a big deal? Well, beyond going against God and His Word (aka: sin), sex outside of the biblical boundaries of marriage is sinning against your own body (see 1 Corinthians 6:18).  

How are we to respond to such temptations?
  1. Flee.  Seriously, get away from it. Make like Joseph in Potiphar’s house and literally run away from compromising situations (Genesis 39:11-12, 1 Corinthians 6:18). 
  2. Have some self-control for crying out loud. We don’t have to gratify our every desire.
  3.  Walk in obedience to God and His Word-the Bible says you will be blessed by doing so (James 1:25).
Jesus, in His grace, will give you the power to be faithful in the midst of aching desire.