Stewardship and suffering probably aren’t words that you
readily connect to one another, but the reality is, how we manage our
trials is an indicator of our spiritual maturity. We’ve all heard; or even asked the question: “Why
do bad things happen to good people?”. You may have even heard “Why does God allow
bad things to happen to good people?”.
We know from scripture that God does not promise us an easy
life; in fact, we pretty much know that following Christ means facing
opposition. Jesus told us to take up our cross daily. James instructs us to consider it joy when
(not if) we encounter various trials. So
why are we as believers still surprised when suffering comes our way?
Since we know we are going to endure hard things, how can we
best manage and respond to them? Know
that there is a “why”. When Paul speaks
of the thorn in his flesh, which is still somewhat of a mystery to us, he tells
us why such suffering is in his life: “To keep me from becoming conceited” (2
Corinthians 12:7).
Instead of focusing on why me or woe is me, ask
yourself and the Lord, “How can this be redemptive?”. Remember that suffering is not just something
to get through, but is something God intends to use for our good and His glory.
Rest in knowing that He works all things for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
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