Friday, November 4, 2011

Extraordinarily Ordinary

One of the biggest frustrations about being here this semester is the pedestal everyone back home seems to place on the idea of being here.  Spending 4 1/2 months in Uganda is not some type of suffering grievance; I came here by choice and out of opportunity.  The truth is, being a Christian in Uganda is even easier than being one in the States....God seems closer as you seem to cling to Him all the more.

The real heros here are the moms that give all their time and affection to ensure a beautiful life for their children, the pastors that make hospital visits even though they are tired, the friend that gives an encouraging word, the dad that works hard to support his family, and the many others that are doing ministry in the here and now; whatever and wherever that may be for each person.

We all want to make a difference in the world, but the world includes where you are right now. As the body of Christ we are all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus rather that be in Camden, Jonesboro,Walnut Ridge, or Uganda-to be the change you want to see in the world. I'm not going to be in Uganda forever.  In fact, I will be back in the U.S. in 41 days.  This semester is just a small season in my life, and according to Ecclesiastics, "there is a time for everything".  What time is it for you?  Are you willing to go wherever He leads?  Are we being Jesus in the here and now?  

Uganda may sound special or adventurous, but everyday life is just as valuable.  Each extraordinarily ordinary day is our opportunity to live the life God has for us.  May we always make the most of it no matter where it may be.  

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