Monday, September 12, 2011

Just a typical weekend in Uganda :)

This was my first weekend to be at home here in Uganda, and it involved quite a range of activities.  Saturday consisted of helping make lunch and dinner for the day, which is an adventure in itself.  Our kitchen is outside in a small tin consists of two "stoves" (3 bricks with space to put fire wood in between).  I spent a solid hour peeling matooke, which is "the food of Africa and Heaven" according to my Ugandan mother....we eat it for lunch and dinner.  It looks like a weird banana before it's peeled, and once it's cooked it looks like a heavier version of mashed potatoes.  Speaking of potatoes, peeling them is another job I've taken on.  Potatoes, or Irish as we call them here, are also served with the majority of our meals....even for breakfast sometimes.  So after peeling lots of matooke and potatoes, I butchered a chicken...that was an experience in itself :) One that I'm hoping to never relive.  I spent the rest of the day playing with my little brother and doing homework, but even playing is different here.....Enoch has no toys, but views the world as his playground.  I admire the freedom in that.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I know you can butcher a chicken I might need to employ you come chicken butchering time!! LOL It is amazing the games kids can come up with. I enjoy the games that my kids play with each other...and they enjoy the baby too. Usually he is the slow moving monster, but he does get to play with them! Learning to cook over an open fire is a great skill--you'll never go hungry!
