Monday, December 2, 2019

Active Waiting

2019 has been a year of waiting for me. Whether it’s waiting for test results, waiting for the stoplight to change, or waiting to know the next step you should take, no one likes to wait.

Over the course of this year, I’ve learned that there are two types of waiting: passive and active.  Passive waiting is knowing the desired outcome and simply waiting for things to “fall into place” on their own.  Passive waiting has a certain amount of appeal to us at times.  It’s much easier to blame our disappointment on someone or something when we are simply watching and waiting.
But then there’s active waiting. I like to look at active waiting as knowing the desired outcome but doing what you can to help prepare yourself for such an outcome.  If we know God has called us to something, but avoid taking the necessary steps to prepare ourselves for such a calling, who are we really fooling?

When Joseph was still a young man, he had dreams and visions of the future that God had for him.  However, those dreams were not well received by his brothers and resulted in his being sold as a slave.  BUT what Joseph did not know at the time, was how this transaction would put him exactly where God wanted him to be.  Joseph went from slave, to servant of Potiphar, to being thrown in jail for the false accusation of Potiphar’s wife.

If anyone had reason to think that God had forgotten him, it was Joseph.  But while Joseph was waiting, God was working.  While imprisoned, Joseph tended to a significant individual, a cupbearer to Pharaoh.   

The cupbearer had a dream and God allowed Joseph to interpret his dream.  Joseph requested: “But when all goes well for you, remember that I was with you.  Please show kindness to me by mentioning me to Pharaoh and get me out of prison.” (Genesis 40:14) Joseph’s interpretation was correct and the cupbearer was quickly released from prison, but he forgot about Joseph for TWO years.
But while Joseph was waiting, God was working. At the end of 2 years, Pharaoh had a dream that no one could tell him the meaning of.  It was then that the cupbearer remembered Joseph. 

Pharaoh sent for Joseph and the Lord used Joseph to forewarn Pharaoh of an extended famine.  Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one as discerning and wise as you are.  You will be over my house, and all my people will obey your commands.  Only I, as king will be greater than you.” (Genesis 41:39-40).
Joseph went on to not only prepare Egypt to face 7 years of famine, but God divinely placed him in a position to once again be reunited with his family.  In every circumstance and situation of “waiting”, Joseph continued to work hard and obediently trust God. 
Sometimes it feels as though we may be waiting for the rest of our lives, but while we are waiting, God is working.  As we look to the end of this year and prepare for a new year, I pray that we find rest in knowing that God is working in the waiting.