Monday, February 25, 2019

We Steer Where We Stare

“You are what you eat.”

 “What you put into it is what you’ll get out of it.”

 The older I get, the more I appreciate and believe the sage advice in old sayings.  There’s certainly a lot of truth in how what we eat impacts our bodies and that we can expect little return when we put in little effort. 

I have also grown to realize that the same principles apply in our walk with the Lord. What we put into our hearts and minds; what we read, listen to, watch, etc., has a tremendous impact not only on our own spiritual lives, but also on how we view God and others.  When we don’t make much effort to grow in the Lord, we don’t make much progress. I have learned that we become what we behold.  So what are we beholding?

“So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” -Colossians 3:2-3

To seek something means more than to just look at it; seeking is actively pursuing. 

When I was first learning how to drive, I quickly learned that if I looked off to the left or the right side of the road, then my hand tended to go that way as well.  I would unintentionally steer in the direction of where I was looking.  The same can be said of us in our walk with the Lord; we steer where we stare.

May we fix our eyes on things above.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Are you sure? When God's Answer is Disappointing

If you know me well, then you know that I am a planner (read control freak); I like to know what I’m doing, where I’m heading, and how I’m going to get there.  So, as you can imagine, when God throws me a curve ball, I think my whole world is falling apart. 

Truth is, a lot of times I try to run ahead of God.  If I know He’s leading me toward something, then I will do everything in my power to expedite the process.  If it’s a good thing and He wants me to do it, then why not do it now, right? Well yes, but not always.  Sometimes God makes us wait and we don’t understand why. 

When things don’t go according to my plan and God says to wait, my first response is often to question Him. Are you sure?  Right now seems like the perfect time.  I thought you didn’t withhold good things from those you love. 

Y’all.  God is not trying to rob us of anything.  The sovereign King of glory is a giver; not a taker.  And when He does take, it is for the purpose of giving abundantly more. 

One thing I’ve learned from taking matters into my own hands too many times is this: I’m 28; God is eternal. We are probably going to see things differently from time to time. 

God wants us to get where He wants us to go more than we want to get there.  And He is terribly good at getting us there.