Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World

In Luke 10, Luke tells of Jesus and some of his followers arriving to the village of Martha and Mary.  You’re probably familiar with these two sisters and their very different personalities.  Martha is the “worker”.  She keeps herself busy taking care of all the minute details that no one else seems to even think of (or likely care about).  Mary is the passionate “free spirit”. 

Martha, doing what she does best, busies herself with all the preparations. While Martha is working away, her sister Mary is found seated at the Lord’s feet, hanging on His every word.  Likely overwhelmed by the pressure of hosting and being caught up in cooking and cleaning (been there), Martha whines to Jesus. “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Tell her to help me.” (Luke 10:40)  

But Jesus does not rebuke Mary.  Instead, He compassionately tells Martha: “You are worried and bothered about so many things, but only one thing is necessary.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)

May we choose what is better and necessary even when life gets busy.